Bett UK 2024

Scriba comes to Bett UK in search of companies interested in joining the attractive Brazilian educational publishing market.

Our company has been in the educational market for over 50 years. We operate in the private and public segments, producing quality content in a variety of formats, being agile, while following trends in the educational sector.

Brief company background

  • 1960s

    Luiz G. Cavalcante, company founder, launches his first Mathematics creation through Editora FTD, in 1967.

  • 1980s

    Luiz and his partner Maria Eugênia publish a complete collection for elementary school by Editora Scipione, in 1983, remaining for several years among the most frequently chosen in the public and private markets.

  • 1990s

    Scriba expands its products and services catalog, developing not only the content, but also the entire publishing production.

  • 2000s

    Scriba expands publication volume for the market and PNLD (National Book and Textbook Programme), counting some outstanding sales. Develops its first digital products, such as educational websites and CD‑ROMs.

  • 2010s

    Scriba publishes its first Educational Solution, continues with collections that are among the best-selling and begins to produce digital learning objects.

  • 2020s

    Scriba once again enriches its catalog of published products and begins to develop e-books and audiovisual elements.


What do we do?

We produce complete educational solutions with materials intended for nursery school, elementary school and secondary school.

In our portfolio, you will find:

  • printed books and teaching materials;
  • interactive e-books and teaching materials in HTML5 and EPUB;
  • multimedia content (videos, audio files, interactive objects in HTML5 etc.);
  • interactive activities.

We provide support for market research, product design and development, in addition to creating promotional pieces, such as videos, courses, video classes, brochures, lectures etc.

Diagram with title “We operate in every stage of the project”. It is divided into three categories. The first is Product planning, involving three activities: market research, competitor analysis and product blueprint. The second is Product development, involving three other activities: content production, quality control and user testing. And finally, there is Implementation category, which involves two activities: advertisement support and teacher training.

We are happy to be at your service for a conversation about the first steps to start doing business in our country.

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Who we work with

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